• Fenny Novita Dwi Solaiman Universitas MH Thamrin
Keywords: Pregnancy, characteristics of pregnant women, quality, health workers, antenatal care services (ANC), health center.


The high MMR in a country shows that the country has not succeeded in improving public health status. Efforts to protect and minimize the increase in MMR and ensure protection for pregnant women and the fetus through ANC visits according to time standards and components that include 10T. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence ANC services at the Sukabumi City Health Center. The design of this study used a cross-sectional descriptive method. The population in this study were all pregnant women who received complete ANC services in Sukabumi City with a sample of 362 respondents from the PWS-KIA Health Office of Sukabumi City using a simple random sampling technique. The instruments in this study were adopted and modified from previous studies. The results of univariate analysis showed that 227 respondents (62.7%) had the full category of antenatal care services, the majority of pregnant women aged 20 to 35 years were 315 people (87%), had parity  2 children, 353 (97.5%) ), 282 people (77.9%) were unemployed, 236 people (65.19%) considered the quality of health workers good, and 211 people had good knowledge of ANC. To be able to improve ANC services by developing skills and knowledge through various formal education training and development


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